An Ode To My Butcher
Attitude towards a human being, after all visible and tangible falls off, always returns to its starting point: humanity. An extreme example of this situation is anguish. When in that state, an adult, otherwise economically, emotionally and creatively completely independent, becomes fully dependent of another person (or more persons) – the one who has the knowledge and power to alleviate the suffering or even eliminate it completely. If that person fails to do so, they take the role of a sadistic ruler. The subordinate, however, despite their independence, is left to anticipation of supreme commander’s mercy.
An Ode To My Butcher is exactly that: the sound of waiting in agony and the agony of waiting. The composition is a transcription of sounds inside the body, the body which is in a specific state of suffering – physical pain – left to decisions and mistakes of those who specialize in knowledge about the body. Mistakes and suspense that have disastrous effects. And it sounds like this.
Odnos do človeka se, potem, ko vse vidno in oprijemljivo odpade, vrne na osnovno točko, na humanost. Ekstremen primer tovrstne situacije je trpljenje. Odrasel človek, ekonomsko, čustveno in ustvarjalno povsem neodvisen od drugih, je takrat, ko je v telesnem trpljenju, popolnoma odvisen od drugega človeka – tistega, ki ima znanje in moč ublažiti ali celo prekiniti trpljenje. Če ta tega ne stori, je v vlogi sadističnega vladarja, njemu podrejeni pa je, kljub svoji siceršnji samostojnosti, prepuščen poglavarju in anticipaciji (ne)milosti.
An Ode To My Butcher (Oda mojemu klavcu) je točno to: zvok čakanja v trpljenju in trpljenje čakanja. Kompozicija je prepis zvoka v telesu, ki je v specifičnem trpljenju, fizični bolečini, prepuščeno odločitvam in napakam tistih, ki specializirajo v znanju o telesu. Napakam in čakanju, ki ima katastrofalne učinke. In to zveni tako.